
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Is Ron Paul Racist?

Because of his recent success, the media has tried to paint Ron Paul as a racist with his newsletters. In fact, he has done more to try and correct the injustice toward minorities than any other candidate. Democrats see people as groups of society, which is what historically has lead to "majorities" controlling "minorities". Socialism leads to this behavior. As a libertarian, Ron Paul sees and believes everyone is unique and individually as important as the next. All are equal, no one is more valuable than anyone else, rich or poor. Color is irrelevant.

Libertarians believe that an individual is just as important as a whole group, which is the opposite of democrats and socialism. Democrats & socialists believe that a group is more important than the individual. Be careful, the day you let the government say your group is more important than an individual's right is the day you have given up your individual rights.

Additionally, Ron Paul has probably done more statistical research on the injustice of our current drug laws and judicial system then any other candidate. 

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