
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rick Perry Challenges Rick Santorum on Earmarks

Perry said Thursday that he's sometimes confused when Santorum talks about fiscal conservatism. Perry says the former senator loaded up federal legislation with so-called pork-barrel spending for his home state and calls Santorum a "prolific earmarker."

Perry said, quote: “I love Iowa pork but I hate Washington pork.”

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Michele Bachmann Co-Chair Kent Sorenson Endorses Ron Paul

The current Iowa State Co-Chair of the Michelle Bachmann campaign announced Wednesday night that he is now supporting Ron Paul for president. 

Kent Sorenson made the announcement on a national TV broadcast of a Ron Paul rally in Iowa with veterans, telling the crowd: "I believe we're at a turning point in this campaign."  On C-Span.

Calling the decision to abandon Bachmann a painful one, Sorenson said he felt obligated to join Paul as the Republican establishment tries to undermine his campaign.

"I thought it was my duty to come to his aid, just like he came to my aid during my Senate race, which was a very nasty race," Sorenson said, pledging to go all-out for Paul over the next few days.
To cheers from the crowd, he continued: "We're going to take Ron Paul all the way to the White House."

It is unknown who will replace Kent in the Bachman campaign. Michele Bachmann released a statement this evening about the change “it was a deliberate move by the Ron Paul campaign to discredit our campaign and our growing momentum,”
She add, “Ron Paul is in trouble in Iowa and his campaign is worried about people learning about his dangerous stance on foreign policy and how he will make America less safe.”
Michele Bachmann also accused Sorenson of changing teams for money. "Kent Sorenson personally told me he was offered a large sum of money to go to work for the Paul campaign,” Bachmann wrote. “Kent campaigned with us earlier this afternoon and went immediately afterward to a Ron Paul event and announced he is changing teams. Kent said to me yesterday that 'everyone sells out in Iowa, why shouldn't I,' then he told me he would stay with our campaign. The Ron Paul campaign has to answer for its actions.”
Kent Sorenson denied Bachmann’s allegations.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Does the US Postal Service Need to be Sold?

There is a lot of talk from President Obama about closing the post office on Friday and Saturday to save money.  While on the surface this may seem like a good financial decision,  think about this question.  How many profitable businesses would consider closing their doors to save money? If closing your doors saves your business money, would you consider closing your business everyday?

Any successful private business makes money when the doors are open, however when it comes to government run business the opposite seems to be true.  The United State Post Office loses money everyday the doors are open.  We all should really ask why not just shut the doors everyday and save the country even more money.

The Post office has been running at a loss for several years:

2007 - $5.1 Billion
2008 - $2.8 Billion
2009 - $3.8 Billion
2010 - $8.5 Billion
2011 - $5.1 Billion

We live in a time where electronic communication has become more prevalent then traditional mail.  Ironically instead of this being an additional reason for closing the post office, some democrats have proposed taxes on electronic communication to supplement the sales lost.  This though is the type of logic that comes out of Washington DC.  A more efficient and cheaper form of communication has evolved that does not cost the government anything.  So democrats talk of taxing email to support a long-standing form of communication (U.S. Postal Service) that is becoming irrelevant and costing the government to operate.

We should put the whole operation up for sale tomorrow and allow a private business to run it profitably.  We could sell the operation and the property assets.  The time has come for us to ask, "Do we need the US government running a postal service, especially when it loses money and we live in an era where privately operated business exists to fill the void."

Is Ron Paul Racist?

Because of his recent success, the media has tried to paint Ron Paul as a racist with his newsletters. In fact, he has done more to try and correct the injustice toward minorities than any other candidate. Democrats see people as groups of society, which is what historically has lead to "majorities" controlling "minorities". Socialism leads to this behavior. As a libertarian, Ron Paul sees and believes everyone is unique and individually as important as the next. All are equal, no one is more valuable than anyone else, rich or poor. Color is irrelevant.

Libertarians believe that an individual is just as important as a whole group, which is the opposite of democrats and socialism. Democrats & socialists believe that a group is more important than the individual. Be careful, the day you let the government say your group is more important than an individual's right is the day you have given up your individual rights.

Additionally, Ron Paul has probably done more statistical research on the injustice of our current drug laws and judicial system then any other candidate. 

You Are the House of God

“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.”
― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Ronald Reagan responds to Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Joe Biden & Barak Obama

Ronald Reagan, how would he respond to Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Joe Biden and Barack Obama. We all wish he was still around today.

"Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us"

Monday, December 26, 2011

Newt Gingrich's Plan to Rebuild America's Economy

While talking at a recent Columbia, SC event about the importance of modernizing SC infrastructure and manufacturing Newt says, "If we are going to compete with China, you have to have a 21st century infrastructure."  In about 2 minutes Newt lays out several points that will help grow the US economy.

1. Modernize the Port of Charleston, SC
2. Rebuild US Manufacturing
3. Return power to the states
4. Zero capital gains tax
5. 12.5% Corporate Tax
6. 100% Expensing on new equipment purchases so 100% of the purchase can be written off in the first year.
7. End the Death tax.
8. Option flat 15% individual income tax.
9. Repeal Obama Care, Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes Oxley

Christmas Day 1776 - George Washington's "Victory or Death"

Newt tells the story about Washington leading his troops across the Delaware to surprise the Hessians at Trenton. 

Support him or not, Republican Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich gives us an historical perspective that very few people can.

The story of how General George Washington helped defeat the British and helped the United States of America become the greatest nation in history is truly remarkable.  We should never forget the price that was paid to liberate a nation and people from the rule of "men." The cost of our country's way of life was great, let's all do our part in keeping this the greatest country in the world.

Definition: German soldiers loyal to King George III who fought for Britain in the Revolutionary War. King George was from Hanover, an area in Germany, and called in a favor to his homeland, asking for soldiers willing to fight in the New World. The Hessians numbered almost 30,000, and they fought mostly in the Northern Campaign. They are most famous, however, for being surprised and defeated at Trenton by American forces under General George Washington, whose army had just crossed the Delaware River in the dead of night on Dec. 25, 1776.

Please consider supporting Newt Gingrich for President.

The Death of a Dictator, Kim Jong il

When the world learned of North Korean dictator Kim Jong il's death last week, mourning was not what most people in the United States or around the world were doing. In fact, behind closed doors there may have even been celebrations of his death.  Former Presidential candidate and Senator John McCain recently said, "The world is a better place now that Kim Jong-il is no longer in it. I can only express satisfaction that the 'Dear Leader' is joining the likes of Gaddafi, bin Laden, Hitler and Stalin in a warm corner of hell."

The mode appears very different in North Korea or at least the people know what is in their best interest. In a nation where an estimated 200,000 North Koreans are held under brutal conditions in remote forced labor camps called kwan-li-so, the people have been conditioned to fear their leadership.  You would be hard pressed to find someone in North Korea that has not witnessed dissidents imprisoned or killed for their lack of restraint. The fear of Kim Jong il and his family is so great that even after his death there is no chance of the people appearing relieved.

Korean people are typically very reserved with their emotion and the expression of emotion publicly is not seen as a positive characteristic. But when your life depends on you demonstrating loyalty to the "Supreme Leader" it becomes necessary for the people to behave as you will see in the video below. Additionally, Korea has a history of using professional mourners, because of their emotional reservations.

It would be a stretch to say all of those mourning in North Korea are hired professionals or mourning to demonstrate allegiance to the state. However, when the people are so oppressed that the freedom to express anything other then the government's messages would lead to death, then you really can't trust any message being sent, by the people or the government. 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The First Amendment for the Press Only? NO!

A federal judge in Oregon ruled that Crystal Cox, a blogger who was sued for defamation after she accused the founder of an investment group of acting illegally and unethically, cannot claim protections afforded to journalists under state shield laws
Cox runs several law-centric blogs, like, and, and was sued by investment firm Obsidian Finance Group in January for defamation, to the tune of $10 million, for writing several blog posts that were highly critical of the firm and its co-founder Kevin Padrick. In his ruling, the judge noted that Ms. Cox was not affiliated with a “newspaper, magazine, periodical, book, pamphlet, news service, wire service, news or feature syndicate, broadcast station or network, or cable television system.”
The question is, does the First Amendment protect your right to speech or must you qualify as a journalist by the state's Shield Laws?
The First Amendment of the Constitution says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The US Constitution supersedes any state law and therefore free speech and freedom of the press are not limited to so called, "Journalists".  All citizens of the U.S. are entitled to the protections of the Constitution, whether your a Journalist or not.  We should demand that free speech apply to us when we are in the public square, our home or online.  I do not forgo my right to free speech when I start typing on a computer.
Crystal Cox may have been wrong to criticize the Obsidian group but I don't support her because I agree with her opinion, I support her First Amendment right to express herself.  The writers of the constitution understood that the First Amendment was important in order to protect the citizen's right to express an opinion that was different or even offensive to those in power. Because we have this right the government cannot treat any speech they find threatening to their power illegal.
As a reminder, in America we don't serve a king or any man in authority.  We "all" submit to the written law and are "all" protected by this written law, removing the opinion of men on our rights.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas from Republic Truth

Every Nation is wonderful, but ours is my favorite. I hope you feel that way about your home, your family, your marriage and your land.  Remember the celebration of Christmas is to honor the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.  God Bless you during this Christmas Season.  

Merry Christmas from Republic Truth.

The "Supreme Court", How Supreme?

One of the most important issues of our time follows. We must understand this well. Dred Scott v. Sandford, (1857), also known as the Dred Scott Decision, was a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that people of African descent brought into the United States and held as slaves (or their descendants, whether or not they were slaves) were not protected by the Constitution and could never be U.S. citizens.  This was obviously the wrong ruling of the court and needed to be overturned. However, now a days we have Democrats running around saying every judge appointed to the Supreme Court must support previous court rulings in the case of abortion rights. Imagine if they said this in the 1800s.

Newt Gingrich Defends Sarah Palin on MSNBC

In 2008, Newt Gingrich took on the lie that Sarah Palin did not have the political experience to be a strong Vice President. Too bad John McCain was unable to articulate this well.  Let's pray that the 2012 Republican presidential nominee is able to speak this candidly.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Are the Three Branches of Government Accountable?

I am not surprised that Mr. Gingrich has taken so much heat for his position on judges, even from the right. We have conservative lawyers criticizing Newt because they all come from the same school of thought, that lawyers and judges are the final arbiters in the law. When in fact the judicial branch is one of three equal branches. The judicial branch loves to call in to question legislation and make legislators accountable for their actions. It is about time the judicial branch is accountable to the executive and legislative branches for their actions. I am tired of hearing people in position of influence and power talk about the need for change but continue to support the status quo for the sake of their own power and influence.

Law, Not Freedom Makes America Great

Don't let anyone fool you. 

What makes this nation great is not freedom or independence from rule.  Freedom can be found more easily in the remote regions of any country.  In fact what we have in America is actually the opposite of freedom. We are free from the rule of men with all men equal but we are bound under the rule of law with all men submitting to the same law. Our land was built on the truth that the law that we lived under would be created by "The People". Then that law would apply to all the people.  The ideal that has made America great is that we are ruled by law not men. Laws were created by the people, of the people and for the people. We are not ruled by the authority of men and their desire for power or to retain power. The law governs all, those in power and those not. This nation will cease to be great when we as people and those in power believe that we can operate outside of the law. Everyone is bound to submit to the law, especially those that enforce and create the law. When this is no longer the case then we have lost our country. Our Democracy depends on your ability to govern yourself.  A democratic nation cannot be sustained if the people of the nation are so unrestrained that they cannot adhere to the law they help create through the democratic process.  The natural evolution will be a nation that either does not want any restraint on itself or a people that must be ruled by a tyrant to control their actions.  If you want a nation of the people, by the people and for the people, then you must have the personal fortitude and integrity to obey the law you help to create. 

This is all we have as a nation.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

We live in Exponential Times, What's Next?

Did You Know? Shift Happens. We live in Exponential Times.

Will China be number one?
Does India have a higher IQ then the US?
What will the top 10 jobs be in 2015?
How many jobs will you have?
Will you get married online?
Is Bermuda #1 in Internet Penetration?
What did we do before google?
How did we live without text messages?

Monday, November 14, 2011

President Obama Calls U.S. Lazy

President Obama recently said that US business has become lazy over the last few decades. This is the same guy that has crushed business growth in the US. after shutting down offshore oil drilling in the US.  He then traveled to Brazil to praise them for drilling offshore and promised to buy oil from Brazil. 

“And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,” said President Obama to Brazil.
Please, Mr. President let's start promoting US business.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Obama Against AT&T Merger with T-Mobile

Pres. Obama's Justice Department filed a lawsuit on Aug 31 against the AT&T and T-mobile merger saying that it would lessen competition in the wireless industry and lead to higher prices, poorer quality services, fewer choices, and fewer innovative products. I wonder if they thought about this when creating a government Health system? Ironic they use this rationale to oppose the merger. Is there any Republican analytical enough to see the obvious.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

We will pay for China's Military Budget

China's Military budget is $91 Billion. The US pays them $35 Billion a year in interest on our debt. In 10 years we will pay them over $100 billion annually. I hope everyone is feeling good about the US paying 100% of China's military budget, so you can have a medicare and Social security program. In both programs people on average use 3X the amount they pay in. Enjoy your entitlement now but teach your kids Chinese because you're selling your child's future.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

President Obama Criticizes the Tea Party

President Obama is an idiot. He criticizes the tea party and calls them 'lackeys' who seek tax breaks for wealthy Americans while slashing social programs for the middle class. There may be many Republicans that fit that description but the Tea Party is the middle class who finally found a cause to get energized about, "Financial Responsibility."

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Glad to have the Tea Party

I am grateful for the tea party. After decades of reckless spending, and terrible leadership the Tea Party is accused of causing the US rating down grade. They haven't even been there for 12 months. It's amazing that democrats seem to place so much blame on a group that is a minority in DC and has been there so short a time. If you listen to John Kerry you would think that the Tea Party had been ruling for years, are the most powerful group and are the sole reason for the current troubles.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Do we have a revenue or spending problem?

When President Obama became the president in 2009 the US Debt was $10 trillion. In 2.5 years he increased it by $4 trillion to $14 trillion. Now we hear talks of the President's aggressive plan to reduce the debt by $4 Trillion over the next 10 years. How is that aggressive considering that in 2.5 years he added $4 trillion to the debt?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

We Need A Ronald Reagan

I just spent some time watching old Reagan videos online. Where are men like Reagan today? When need more men like him. I recommend everyone spend some time watching some of his old speeches so you can remember what it was like to have a real president and leader.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Don't Buy American

If I buy another American car it will be the worst decision. I refuse to spend money I make just to say "I buy American" when it goes to a poorly made car, poor design, union labor that perpetuates poor quality, an entitlement mentality that believes they deserve your money and a job because they make a product stamped USA.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

For Parents

All parents!! Remember, the way you speak to your kids and deal with them is where they learn how to speak to others and deal with others. Speak to them with grace, encouragement and love, then they will speak the same language.